Our Services & Specialties
Skin Care from Rejuvenate
Customized treatments and solutions to address your ever-changing daily skin needs. All skin/body care treatments are treated by hand to give your skin the most organic natural care. Experience the unique spa rituals from distant cultures.

We are specializing in Endermologie and Lipomassage - non-invasive procedures and treatments. Our company delivering latest LPG® technologies that helps with cellulite reduction, provides post pregnancy and post liposuction skin treatments, lymphatic drainage, sport mechanical massage. We also provide Anti-Aging Face Endermologie® treatments that creates resculpting, anti-replumping and detox effect, which you can see and feel from the very first treatment. Each of our specialist is certified LPG® professional. They will help you to estimate your needs and will recommend the best procedure to achieve your goals, while making you enjoy every second of treatments and service Absolut Body Contour provides.